Ink and Interference: Monotype and Monoprint

Workshop with Catherine Kernan

Ink and Interference: The artful way of printmaking

Catherine Kernan

July 17-21, 2023

Limited to 8 – Sold Out

Turn your images into relief woodblocks without touching a carving tool.

In advance of the workshop, participants will be asked to digitally send images to Catherine for advice on selecting the best ones for CNC or laser engraving. Your CNC carved or laser engraved images will then be ready to use upon arrival at the studio. More blocks can be carved during the workshop, and hand carving can be added.

Carving woodblocks can fix an image, setting it up for repetition. Or woodblocks can be used in a dynamic way that yields unexpected results without reducing or re-cutting the blocks. Combinations of woodblocks set in motion long sequences in which related images recur and transform in an endless variety of evolving images.

We will ink and print the blocks in a wide variety of ways to deepen your understanding of how to mix, modify, and exploit Akua inks for their unique qualities and full potential, including viscosity. Modifying and controlling the viscosities of inks yields results that cannot be achieved any other way.

Catherine Kernan is a painter and printmaker. She is co-founder and partner of Mixit Print Studio and is represented by Soprafina Gallery in Boston and Jason McCoy Gallery in New York. She has taught workshops at Anderson Ranch, Art New England, Peregrine Press, Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Oklahoma Arts Institute, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, and MakingArtSafely. Her course teaching includes the School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Wellesley College, the Rhode Island School of Design, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and Pine Manor College. Residencies include the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ireland; Anderson Ranch; MacDowell Colony; and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her work is in the collections of, among others, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Cleveland Museum of Art, Boston Public Library, Grunewald Collection, New York Public Library, Detroit Institute of Art, and the Harvard Art Museums.


What’s Included

Too much stuff to list! We will have everything Catherine requested.

Of course ink and paper are also included.

MakingArtSafely is a well stocked and tooled studio.

What to Bring

Bring a spirit of investigation and curiosity. A willingness to be surprised is essential.   Bring blocks you have already cut, or bring some wood for cutting. This should be ¼” Shina wood available from McClain’s Printmaking, but Baltic birch ¼” plywood, or whatever you have will do. If you can get the carving started or completed ahead of time, you will have a jumpstart on the workshop. A set of three blocks would be best for maximum effect. They do not have to register exact images to each other but should be the same size blocks and of the same “vocabulary”.

If you plan to cut blocks in the workshop, come with some simple design ideas.  For purposes of learning, a smallish size might be best, perhaps 12” square, or thereabouts, but if you are confident, choose a larger size that will be a bleed print on 22 x 30 paper. Shaped blocks are another option.

Woodcut tools (several u gouges of different sizes) sharpening stone and a strop – quality make a difference.

Brushes and drawing implements for mark making.

carbon paper or transfer paper tissue paper

I took much of Catherine’s list of what to bring and made that our responsibility to have onhand. Even with that I could not get carving tools (TSA issue) covered in a proper way. If checking luggage is too expensive or cumbersome for you by all means please ship your TSA-less-friendly things to us in advance. Allow 7 business days for assured delivery by Monday of the workshop. Shipping is really a great way to travel light in the age of short plane changes which always seem to be on another concourse from the one you arrive.

That’s it! Any questions about supplies, please feel free to contact us.

Workshop Itinerary

  • Monday morning begins with students arriving at the studio between 9:30-10 AM.
  • Daily instruction is 10 AM to 4 PM with the studio open to students between 9:30 AM and 7 PM. Exception is Friday when the workshop ends at 4 PM.
  • Bring a lunch everyday except Tuesday when we go out Dutch for a late lunch. There is refridgeration for your food and drinks.